back to blogging, 1 troublesome step at a time


Back to blogging... it's been a while, and whilst I'm doing this, my mind is alerting, *Forget about it, forget about it!!, spend your time doing something else* But here I am blogging once more.

Did 3 main things yesterday:
1) went to COFA to do some video work. Realised I might not have finish it off in time; with this increasing amount of assignments and work. Found out that we have new headphones to use.

2) went to work yesterday. Did some really bad things, like telling of a work mate, and then being told of by my boss....sigh, i'm in so much trouble. Work is pretty bland. Wish they'd pay more. But again, the work load isn't to much. Would be better if there was someone nice to work with. Not to say that they aren't nice, but it's the forceful "nice" that I don't really want.

3) went bowling at night time. Had a great time. Scored, 91, then a misserable 64, then a 134, then a awesome 176!!!!!!
I think I might take up more bowling. We would have had unlimited games if it wasn't for an unrealiable friend *cough cough* you know who you are. THey are going to be in sooOOOOooo much trouble for bailing out without even calling us to tell us. How rude and insolent. Time to plan payback.