Beginning of a new uni semester.
Beginning of a new day.
Beginning of a new hard worker.
First days of uni were fun. I almost forget how beautiful main campus could be. A good example is just the picture above. Fabulous!!
Anyways... I learnt something late yesterday, so incredibly awesome!!! it can be considered 100x awesome!!! Here's the background. Lately, I've been bumping into Simon Hunt ever since I had to use the CG15 Protools HD computer. He helped me get the system running, and how to use the Mixing desk and another machines inside. If that wasn't that exciting, now imagine this. Whilst I was working on my audio work for my short film, he asked me how I was doing. I gave a generic answer, then I later explained that I had some background distortion that was quite irritating.RESULT: He sat down and taught me how to seperate background nose to the sound files!!!! OMG!!!! I didn't believe it at first, but the annoying complex background noise was really gone!!! The only small sacrifice was the voice quality, but that was hard to recognise)
WOW>>>>>>>>> THANK YOU SIMON!!!!!! If you need help doing that, ask him!! or you can ask me =)
First day of the business lecture, and the lecturer comes in trying to be funny. He suddenly goes around trying to find out the background of the class. *roll eyes* As he gets up to asking who's Chinese, around 18% of the class put their hands up. The reacts, replies, and says: "I'm Chinese too!!" *roll eyes even more*
Then a few minutes later, he talks about this legal case, and to my suprise, he goes..... "this is very gwai gwai shi shi".......OMG!!! did he just say what he just did?? ....... maybe he is Chinese!!! Marcus didn't even react. Later on, he uses "gwai gwai shi shi" again. Oh my!!! this guy MUST have some Chinese background o___O!!!
Before the shuttle bus left to COFA, it broke down. OMG >
Here's a few pics of Marcus and Somps at lunch time. Random picture taking.

WARNING, incredibly funny supporting Caption below. Do not read if faint hearted.
It's a page from Wizard Magazine.
Back story: Union Jack is the United Kingdom superhero version of Captain America. In a comic, he has to save London from a massive upcoming terrorist threat. He has 6 hours to diffuse the situation..... even Jack Bauer has longer than that.

Good post =D. Yes let's get ready for the final sem 8o|!
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