Here's m12 with his angry eyes.
Here's somps with her innocent eyes.
Gosh, they balance this picture out.

ET and Floz. Wonder what they're thinking about. Probably undertaking one of their hilarious schemes to take over the world. Hope it doesn't involve red chillis.

Halil: Grr.... I'm eating!! Stuff you!!
Flora's thoughts: WWWWWWOoooooooooAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........................
See how blown away she is from the comment.

Awwwww....... isn't this one just cute. Jacky and Jen.
You still have to explain to us why you guys were gone for so long ~~~xD!!!!!!
Just before we left, Halil found something. Amazing......... o_O!! I wonder what he found. I still have no idea.

Okay...... enough pictures!! let's go have gelato!!!!

This is ET and Floz waiting in line for eye scream. Halil was in it too, but he jumped out. Why Shanks, why?????
ET: O gosh, Raymond's taking another pic
Floz: Quick!!! I'll take out the anti-picture spray from my bag.

Eye screaming the Icecream

Oh yeah. ^^ Don't we look scary. See how powerful the m13 influence is. Maybe we should audition for a horror movie. Or maybe as a monster in a kids party. We'd be awesome!!

Spinning my coin.

Evidence Jacky is spinning my coin.

OMG!!!!!! My beautiful coin O_O!!!!!!!! Covered in delicious sticky floor-inated icecream. AARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

ET endorses for Gelatissimo.

M13 phantom


YAY!!!!!!! And there you go, group pics!!!! Too bad Halil and ET left before I came up with our group pic idea. Photoshop anyone?
Last things to note.

Does this remind you of the ring? Anyone?
And look!!!!

It's a cute butterfly on my leg!! wahahahahaha
And don't forget to pick up your COFA Annual Invitations from the marketing office. You get 5!!!

hehehee...great pics Ray, Nice job.
and yay..you're blogging again =D Do it more frequent ^^
Yeah, what Chibi said xD
Thanks ;)
Pls tell me if you want some original sized ones =)
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