Ze Ray

Why is an escalator called an escalator when only half the time it is going up (escalating), and the other time is going down (de-escalating)?


Anyways, at work, I'm known as Dex! Haha.. it's pretty cool. I've never had another nickname in my life, except for Ray (which really isn't a nickname). The head content-collecter gave me the name, and everyone else seems to have picked it up well :)

The head content-collector also calls me Ze Ray, because I sign off as Ze Ray when I leave him notes to finish off a service job. (WHIP WHIP)
Aahhh.... me and my "awesome" accents XD.......


chibi said...

it's like in my old workplace my boss called me "Little Jen" and then essentially everyone in the office started doing that.

Rayfy said...

very cute. But you weren't little though :P