

I finally finished one of my childhood goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Goal to finish of Dragon Ball GT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! The mega fight between Goku, Vegeta, Gogeta was so mind boggling. I know I would have loved it and become a Dragonball crazy obsessed fanatic if I watched it as a kid. WoW, still gotta say the last sagas were good.

A bit ironic that Omega Shenron to be finished with the Spirit Bomb. Saw it coming, but hey!! wouldn't have it any other way. I wonder what happens to Shadow Dragons when they get killed? Does the 4 star dragon go to heaven for his good deeds? lol.... but still........ feel so rejvinated. Don't know if it's the adrenaline or lack of sleep from a GT marathon that's doing this ^^..... WAHOO!!!!

And at the end of the final episode to have a quick recap of all the entire Dragonball history was a good way to resolve everything. Was relaxing and soothing. And to have a view of the future, where the grand grand son of Goku VS the grand grand son of Vegeta, fighting each other at the age of...umm...7, 8? lol...was funny. But raises a strange point, since they have their rivalries, doesn't that mean it's possible that a huge civil war would amas at one point in the future? And if so, what could that bring? And does that make the Half-Saiyan population stronger than the human population?

And another question to ask, why did the Dragonballs absorb into Goku as he slept on the Eternal Dragon? That's kind confusing. Can someone tell me? Here's the link to the final episode of DB GT. http://www.dailymotion.com/muro/dragonball/video/xef1w_dragonball-gt-episode-64

I hope you all can experience this childhood enjoyment with me one day because I would love to share it out. Wow........ so many eps in that many days........ freaky. Better get back to life now.


Anonymous said...

My impression is that he turned into some kind of god, so he kinda died.

Anonymous said...

So sad... :'(


For Goku.

For you may ever rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

People die all the time in Dragonball, but they can still visit their friends =P.

Anonymous said...

Yeah? I hope so... !!!

Would be nice if it worked vice versa :D