Nothing ~~


*not much

That's pretty much how much I've done in the last couple of days...........*sigh*....................losing motivation........ ;_; .........

I've actually been watching Naruto eps. Ever since the continous dread of fillers, I've decided to take a stance not to watch it until it looked promising to watch again or returned back to the Akatsuki story line. Sadly, a few days ago, I downloaded all the eps, and watched them all. Some of the fillers were good, but as usual, the majority was a waste of time. What's with the creators? Why do they continously submit themselves to anime suicide? Naruto could possibly be seen as the most frustrating eps to watch now. Like a whole dynasty of annoyance.

I thought they would be back on the manga series. Clearly they are not. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

If by 'anime suicide', you mean the filler eps, they are not done out of free will. Filler eps exist because the anime has gone further ahead than the manga (in terms of story progression), and the fillers are there to "fill" while the manga catches up :). But yeah, I stopped watching Naruto after episode 25 :P.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its the filler eps that are good to watch, hehe...btw- I'm not referring to Naruto since I never started it in the first place =p

I loved the Inuyasha fillers XD

Anonymous said...

Ya... the filler eps are 'anime suicide' totally. Otherwise I would be a happy chappy ^^

The manga is currently around it's 270th chapter, and is 3/5 into finishing the akatsuki storyline (2nd part of naruto). The anime is at it's 220th episode, and dawdling on fillers.
....BUT....omg, I have now come realise why they are constantly trying to milk the fillers. If they started the fillers months ago, then the manga writers would probably have to work hard -_-''.... i see why now.
So when anime eps come to the akatsuki storyline, people can know there's another storyline in the making. PLUS, if the anime was so close to the manga, then no one would bother to read the manga books......

But still....they are soOoOoOo bad ;_; because these fillers show no development in character (and i guess they can't anyway, otherwise it may compromise the akatsuki storyline). I wish they be as good as the Inuyasha fillers. *sigh*