"Studio" Shots


Woah... I woke up really late today....... it was hot, swelling, blistering. Well, I have myself to blame, I picked up my snooze clock and put it right next to my pillow for easy "slam" access.

Anyhows, I had some friends over today. I was doing "studio" shots for them. Why studio in special characters? that's because it was done at my place, and it's not really a studio at all. It was funny through out, I couldn't help thinking how dodgy it felt, asking my friends to smile, do all these funny and angry poses. Wonder how they felt? ( Must be thinking.... this guy's defintely wierd ). The shots came out okay. Would post them up, but it would be invasion of privacy if I havn't asked them first.

Now I just got to do some minor touch-ups, add a little effects here, a little there, and !phwola! a semi-mediocre picture!!!

I recently installed Adobe Bridge 1.0. I had my doubts in the beginning, but this program is quite useful I must say. Best of all is the ratings function (0 - 5 star thing), so helps me work out which pictures to start on.

Better start working on them.

OH!!! and my camera shoots 12mpx!!!!!!!!! :P

And one last thing, Liquidators suck ><