Hot Pot Wait

Had hot pot last night. Although I love eating the food that comes out (especially with chilli soy sauce *yum yum*) , I really don't like the wait. It's good chatting and all, passing time while you wait for your food to boil... but seriously? Is it worth the wait? Does the stomach have to wait?

It's not my first time having it, but last night, I was thinking...... when anyone has hot pot, there should be a golden rule, where there has to be at least one pot per 4 persons. Keeps everyone happy :)


Anonymous said...

Hot Pot!! Yum :3

Anonymous said...



Rayfy said...

LOL!! C:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hotpot is kinda not so friendly to the stomach if you're actually starving to death ^^;; But worth the wait? YES! XD

Unknown said...

YES!! Hahaha, that's spot on. Not good when you are starving to death *_*;;

just another story said...

LOL! hot pot *drools* isn't that always true? a hot pot between every four people? it's always true in my case anyways LOL! but i learnt my lesson with hot pot: every spicy hot pot should have 10 glasses of water per individual LOL! (does that even make sense O_o' ?)