Homer-phobic? *doh!!!!

Am I homophobic?

I don't think so.

I don't mind gay people. They are interesting. Funny. Different. And very accomplished.

But...as long as they don't affect me, I'm fine with them :)
As long as my children aren't gay, I'm totally fine with them.
As long as my friends I care for don't become gay, I'm totally fine with them.

In fact, sometimes we do gay things because it's funny. Yes it's funny, but that's because we cringe at gay jokes. We have an understanding that gayness is somewhat wrong.

But if we think it's wrong, are we then scared of it?

Does that mean it is homophobia?

For the moment, my answer is no, I'm not homophobic.


Anonymous said...

sure ray... look deep inside you...

Anonymous said...

I don't normally (or ever) come out of hiding, but I just HAD to comment on this one. :P

"As long as my children aren't gay, I'm totally fine with them.
As long as my friends I care for don't become gay, I'm totally fine with them.

^ The way you worded this sounds like you *wouldn't* be fine with your children if they were gay. It sounds as if you *wouldn't* be fine with your friends if they were gay.

If you cared for your children and your friends, wouldn't you be fine with them no matter who they chose to love?

I just had to point this out because these two sentences alone contradict the last line of your entry ;P

Anonymous said...

Is it bad to have a gay friend? ._.'Like, what would you really do though, if you found out a friend of yours is gay? I mean..it's not like you'll tell them you don't like them because they're gay. Would it be okay if your friend was gay, but wasn't interested in you? Or is that still not fine with you?

Anonymous said...

This was the result of my comment, right? Personally I don't think you're homophobic, Ray. You deal with the things that we tease you about, and fandom-related slash stuff. I know that there's a level of icky-ness that straight boys sometimes have with other boys, which I guess is natural, and I think you might just have that.

However, that comment about not being fine with your children and your friends if they turned out to be gay, well, if you truly think that, then I might have to revise my opinion~

Rayfy said...

I guess this post did result from a specific conversation, but it's not the first time I've been asked it. I thought I'd ask the question in this public area, and come to some conclusion.

Say, if I my child becomes gay, I'd have a hard time accepting it. I'd wonder where I lacked helping them out, or something. If my friends turned gay, I'd probably take some time to accept it too. The relationship would then have a distancing effect, and that feels really bad.

But the thing is..., if I met them, and knew they were gay, then I'd actually have no problem with it. He/she would just be my gay friend.

It would totally be cool if the friend was gay and not interested in me. But if a gay guy was interested in me, I'd take it as a compliment, but try help them find another.

There is some ickyness when hearing and making gay jokes. But that's why they're funny, because it's icky. But I am totally fine with it because I know I'm straight.

See, in some stages, I'm a bit homophobic, but in other stages, gay people are awesome. Am I semi-homophobic then?